Ahem, so before we dig into some code, I would like to take a minute and say something.
I can be a very stubborn and obstinate person, and I am also incredibly lazy! As such, even having attended many lectures and throwing thousands and thousands of dollars at some of the finest academia, I ignored many of the simple, basic, fundamental principles of Computing they tried to instill in me.
Principles like
I am positive there are more, but these three form a triad of sorts, themes in my most recent adventures.
This sad state of ignorance was further compounded by youth, inexperience, and entering the "real world", where constraints prohibited my ability to exercise these principles.
Many, many, many years later, after much trial, error, and tribulation I have entered something of a personal [and professional!] renaissance. Rediscovering some of these principles, I am continually finding new ways to simplify, extend, and robustify [alright, that is not really a word, but whatever] my work.
If that were not enough, then may I also add: Applying these simple yet powerful principles facilitates unit testing! Yes! That is right! Not only will you produce better work, but you will be able to quantitatively and qualitatively prove it is better.
If you are not yet sold, I do ask that you continue reading. Certainly, for the attentive reader, you will see these three principles come up time and time again in the [real world!] examples I present.
As I have said, it has taken me a long time to come around and see this for myself. It is my hope here and now, that you benefit from my experience: When designing a functional component, think about how Interfaces, Encapsulation, and SoC can help you. Invariably, such considerations will lead to better design and better product.